Abigail Reynolds

Connecting the old and the new; reminiscing and restructuring: an idea that artist, Abigail Reynolds, has portrayed throughout her many creations. Growing up in and around Cornwall, England, Reynolds has used the scenic areas of the rural landscape for much of her inspiration. Pictures that are very much beautiful in and of themselves, she has made new. Using variations of similar pictures from different vintage newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, and atlases, Reynolds is able to bridge the gap between the forgotten and the future.
Reynolds' 3-D structure and design has brought her artwork to a whole new dimension. Many of her collages are made unique with her intricate use of origami and paper folding techniques to create a multi-dimensional surface.
Reynolds has created an art that is practical, yet intriguing. Her style is one that fascinates a multitude of people. The 'rustic' image that each of her pieces portrays gives it a very functional use as so many homeowners and designers are looking to incorporate such elements within their space.
But Reynolds' work goes far beyond its captivating rustic design. Each of her pieces is able to tell its own story, bringing viewers back in time, to another place, another moment in history. Her artwork is unique in the fact that almost anyone is able to connect to it in some way. Many contemporary artists provide the world with pieces that only they are able to fully comprehend, where the meaning behind the art is left up to each individual's interpretation. This is part of what makes modern art so appealing, but it  can also lead to a bit of confusion or misled understanding. Reynolds' work is different. By using moments in history and connections to the present, viewers are able to see the story through a similar lens. Reynolds' creations bring history back to life, molding the past and present into one.
Reynolds' work is not yet widely known, but is up for display at the Department for International Trade in London, the Yale University Art Gallery, the New York Public Library, and other private locations.

Desert Seeds   -   2015

Image result for art abigail reynolds bbc 1951, 1936
BBC 1951, 1936   -   2010
On display at the Department for International Trade, King Charles Street in London, UK.

Image result for Trafalgar Square 1964, 1960, 1981
Trafalgar Square 1964, 1960, 1981   -   2010
On display at the Department for International Trade, King Charles Street in London, UK.

Hall of Justice    -    2012
On display at Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

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Collider    -    2011
Displayed at Ambuch & Rice in Los Angelos, California, USA.

For more of Reynolds' work, take a peak at Abigail Reynolds' Site


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